Definition of a Shipment
A shipment is defined as an individual job lot or multiple job lots that are transported at regular intervals to the library bindery. Campus libraries typically transport shipments using library book carts, although some libraries also utilize boxes or lugs to transport small job lots. The prepared shipments will be picked up by the university’s contract transportation vendor and delivered to the bindery.
Preparation of a Physical Shipment
- Securely pack each job lot onto the shelf or shelves of a book cart keeping all items in each job lot together
- For job lots utilizing binding slips, ensure binding slip is matched with appropriate volume
- For job lots created using LARS software, ensure there is a lot/item # on each book or binding slip
- Place a completed book cart label in a visible location on the end of each book cart
- Complete a printing requisition form or a Shipment Record Form (see below) for each job lot. Place all completed forms in a manila envelope and include them with your shipment.
Preparation of a Digital Shipment
- Fill out a shipment record form:
- Print out the form and send it with your shipment, or transmit it electronically to the bindery.
Electronically transmit LARS or I4 Import files.